It is rumored that Hawkesbury rate payers need to brace for a turd tax!
Yes, apparently Council is considering a so-called turd tax after Council Administration have failed to repair a broken sewage pipe at Windsor. The pipe is busted about 3 kilometers from the McGraths Hill sewage treatment works. The cost of repair at the time was estimated to be $400,000.
For a year, sewage trucks have been hired 24/7 to cart the waste from the broken pipe behind the Jolly Frog Inn to the treatment works at a cost of $36million and growing. Hawkesbury Council only has reserves of $45 million, but recently borrowed another $30million at an unknown interest rate to keep the poo moving.
Meanwhile Council is trying to have these costs caused by a flood of incompetence not water, paid by the State Government. Liberal Mayor Sarah McMahon wrote before the election asking the State Government to pay the bill as it was caused by flood disasters. But all bets are off now we have a Labor Government.
Hawkesbury Council has built and successfully operated sewage treatment works through fire and floods for many decades. The recent appointment of two Sydney based General Managers with no experience in managing regional communities’ is speculated to be a problem. The first one left after a no confidence vote by Councilor’s, while this one is literally in the shit!
At the moment whether everyone will be slugged with the turd tax or if it will be limited to the makers of the poo is anyone’s guess.