Hawkesbury Highlands has an extensive network of fire trails in National Parks and across private property. There are approximately 1.3 million properties on bush fire prone land in NSW and to assist with containing and managing fires across the landscape, firefighters need good access so these trails need to be maintained.
In 2017 the RFS established local Fire Access and Fire Trails Plans (FAFT Plans) to assist in bushfire management. Following a recommendation from the NSW Government, work started to enhance the strategic network of fire trails identified through the development of local FAFT Plans.
Identification and upgrading of strategic networks of fire trails includes trails which already exist and may need to be upgraded so they can meet new standards gazetted in 2017 for width and height clearances, gradient and drainage. For example, where a fire trail is identified as capable of carrying a large bush fire tanker, the fire trail must meet standards for the tanker to safely navigate the trail.
Where a need is identified, new fire trails may be constructed. This may be on public land, or with the agreement of private landholders. See https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare/fire-trails for further information.
No consultation or access to the fire trail plan
Fire trails are currently being made and upgraded in Bilpin District now. This is raising community concern about what the FAFT Plan is for Bilpin and other settlements, where the plans are displayed and what is the community consultation process for updating these plans.
Legal advice on RFS contracts for private landowner
Landowners were not advised to seek legal advice before signing an RFS contractual agreement to have public fire trails constructed on their property. The RFS contract gives the Government an easement through private property. The RFS contracts vary. Some contracts require the landowner to maintain the fire trail while others say the RFS will do this, while the person who signed the contract owns the land.
Both these contracts disadvantage the landowner when they sell their property which now has a government easement through it and the new owner may have to maintain the fire trail at their expense, to fire trail standards.
This is particularly important as there is no guarantee the State will maintain the fire trail meaning the new owner maybe liable for the upgrade of a degraded trail.
The construction of a fire trail on private property does not guarantee the landowner that a fire truck will be stationed on their property during a fire. There are about 25 Rural Fire Service Trucks in the Hawkesbury and over 300 properties just in the Highlands.
Construction of trails not using local businesses.
Local contractors many who work for the RFS clearing trails when a State of Emergency (Section 44) is declared and have extensive knowledge of the fire trail network have not been approached to tender for construction or upgrading of new and existing fire trails. So, none of this work and the income it generates is staying in the Highlands. The NSW Government Soil Conservation Service is responsible for engaging contractors to undertake the work and ensuring that it is completed in a satisfactory manner. For further information see https://www.scs.nsw.gov.au/about-the-soil-conservation-service
No maintenance plan or budget?
There is concern that no maintenance plan or budget exists for these existing and new fire trails. Trails need maintenance particularly during and after rain and this takes time and money. Whose time and money need to be clarified.
These fire trails now have locked gates with keys held at the local fire shed. This locks out locals or any early responders to a fire, requiring them to wait for an RFS truck to arrive, which given the protocols now around assembling RFS crews and releasing a truck will takes some time during which the fire is spreading.
For further information and to express any concerns you have contact NSW RFS Strategic Fire Trails Jamie Carter Email firetrails@rfs.nsw.gov.au The RFS do have a legal branch where Jamie can refer any concerns you have for advice and clarification.