In the first edition of the Hawkesbury Highlands Bilpin RFS President claimed that along with Bilpin Regional Action Group (BRAG) and the Bilpin Hall Committee, organizations which work closely together, their views represent ten percent of the population.
So, what about the other ninety percent of the population of Bilpin, who represents’ their views or the positions of other communities in the Hawkesbury Highlands on varying issues? Who should our politicians, Council and local bureaucrats consult with on matters concerning our communities?
Determining who speaks for a community is a complex and sensitive issue, and there are always multiple groups claiming to represent the same community, each with different perspectives and priorities. Here are some factors to consider when deciding who speaks for the most people:
How many people are members of the group? Are they representative of the community they claim to represent, or do they only represent a particular subset of that community?
Does the group have a legitimate claim to speak for the community? Have they been elected or appointed by the community, or do they have a history of working on behalf of the community?
Does the group represent a broad cross-section of the community, or does it only represent a particular subset? Do they consider the views and concerns of different groups within the community?
What has the group done in the past to benefit the community? Have they delivered tangible benefits, or have they been ineffective or even harmful?
Is there a broad consensus within the community that this group speaks for them? Are there other groups that also claim to speak for the community, and if so, why do they feel that the other group does not represent their views.
Ultimately the decision of who speaks for the most people is a complex and ongoing process, and it may change over time as the needs and priorities of the community evolve.
It’s important to listen to different perspectives and engage in dialogue with a range of stakeholders to ensure that all voices are heard and that decisions are made in the best interests of the whole community.
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